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To qualify for in-state tuition and fees a student must meet the official residency requirements established by the State of Missouri.

希望改变其身份的学生可以从学校获得申请表格 招生办公室 或选择下列其中一种表格:


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Petition for students who are not claimed on their parent's state income taxes and meet all of the following requirements:

  • 过去12个月在密苏里州住院
  • 密苏里州或联邦的最低收入为6000美元
  • 密苏里州驾照或身份证
  • 密苏里州选民登记卡
  • 填妥的父母税务证明
  • 密苏里财产税(如果财产属于本州所有)
  • 在州登记的个人车辆(如以学生名义登记)
  • 密苏里州所得税


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  1. 学生和密苏里州居民结婚了
  2. 学生的家庭已经搬迁到密苏里州全职工作的目的, 退休, 全职从事专业实践或经营业务, OR
  3. 学生被派驻密苏里州作为全日制军事服务的一部分.

申请表格必须完整填写, 公证并在申请的学期之前提交给招生办公室. 学生有责任在截止日期前向招生办提交所有必要的文件.

查看密苏里州关于居住的具体政策 查看PDF »


I. 用于确定居住地的分类

All subsections listed below have applicability only as they support the intent to make the State of Missouri a permanent home for an indefinite period of time.

  1. 成人学生. If a student who has attained the age of twenty-one years shall present sufficient proof of the establishment of permanent domicile with the State of Missouri, 留学生在建立住所后,第一次入学时,可准予居留, 前提是该学生没有被配偶以外的另一方视为所得税减免.
  2. 未被解放的未成年学生. 未被解放未成年人的住所推定为对该学生有合法监护权的个人的住所, 因为学生还在他们的照顾下, 监护权, 或支持. 如果对学生有监护权的人在密苏里州建立住所, that student shall be granted resident status at the first enrollment following the establishment of the Missouri domicile. 参见第三A和第三C(军事人员和支付密苏里州所得税的非居民).
  3. 解放未成年学生. 被解放的未成年学生,以成人身份认定住所. 未成年人可以通过婚姻获得解放, 正式的法庭诉讼, 未成年人的遗弃或积极的让与行为. 在任何情况下,从照顾、监护和支持中脱离都应是完全的. In no instance shall a minor student be eligible for emancipation when a second party other than a spouse took that student as an income tax deduction.

II. 住所设立

打算让密苏里州成为永久的家, either of the following two ways is sufficient proof of the domicile of a person and their dependents within the State of Missouri.

  1. 在密苏里州从事全职工作的证明, 退休, 专业实践, 或者全职经营一项业务.
  2. Proof of presence within the State of Missouri for the past twelve consecutive months and sufficient proof of an intent to make the State of Missouri a permanent home for an indefinite period by the following means:
    1. Factors given weight in determining intent: continuous presence in the State of Missouri during those periods not enrolled as a student; presence within Missouri upon marriage to a Missouri resident; substantial reliance on sources within Missouri for financial support (i.e. 最少6美元,000 income from Missouri and Federal sources in the past twelve months); former domicile within the state and maintenance of significant connections while absent; ownership of a home in Missouri; income tax return from the prior year showing independence.
    2. These additional factors are applicable in determining intent only as they support the intent shown by: registration for voting; part-time employment; lease of living quarters; a statement of intention to establish a domicile in Missouri; automobile registration; Missouri drivers license; and payment of income, 密苏里州的个人和财产税.

3. 特殊因素

  1. 军队的成员. 学生不能仅仅因为服兵役而获得或失去居民身份. 军事人员, 驻扎在密苏里时, 他们的配偶和未解放的未成年子女应被视为具有密苏里州居民身份. 军事人员 who are stationed outside of Missouri but whose official home of record is on file with the military as the State of Missouri shall be considered residents, 以及他们的配偶, 还有未被解放的未成年子女.
  2. 非美国公民. 非美国公民的学生必须拥有外籍居民身份, 由联邦当局决定, 在考虑居民身份之前. 外国人及其家属持有A, L, or G visa may be granted resident status if determined to be individually designated as representatives of their governments and whose education is not government funded.
  3. 缴纳密苏里州所得税的非居民. The nonresident student fee shall be credited in an amount equal to the actual Missouri income tax paid for the previous calendar year except that the remaining obligation shall not be less than the amount of the resident student fee. Unemancipated minor students are eligible by reason of payment of Missouri income tax by the nonresident individual(s) having legal 监护权 of the student. 该政策涵盖的学生仍被归类为非居民. 1月份入学的学生,在确定上一年度时,应视为秋季入学. 1月以后入学的学生,上一年指刚过去的日历年. 学生必须向学生账户服务办公室提供此文件以申请部分费用减免.

IV. 变更居住分类的程序

  1. 学生的居留身份在入学时确定. 希望改变其身份的学生可以在招生办公室获得请愿表格, 二楼, 行政大楼, Maryville, MO 64468-6001或by 联系招生.
  2. 申请表格必须完整填写, 公证并至少在申请的学期前三周提交给招生部门. Appropriate documentation to support residency status is the responsibility of the student and must be submitted with the petition prior to the three-week deadline. 在截止日期之后收到的申请表格将被处理, 但这一决定要到下学期才会生效.
  3. 请愿书由居住委员会审查并采取行动, 根据密苏里州高等教育协调委员会的居住政策. 学生将被书面通知他们的请愿书的行动. 学生账户服务、招生和注册办公室也将收到有关批准申请的通知.
  4. Decisions of the Residency Committee may be appealed to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Finance who will serve as an oversight committee.


I. 用于确定居住地的分类

All subsections listed below have applicability only as they support the intent to make the State of Missouri a permanent home for an indefinite period of time.

  1. 成人学生. If a student who has attained the age of twenty-one years shall present sufficient proof of the establishment of permanent domicile with the State of Missouri, 留学生在建立住所后,第一次入学时,可准予居留, 前提是该学生没有被配偶以外的另一方视为所得税减免.
  2. 未被解放的未成年学生. 未被解放未成年人的住所推定为对该学生有合法监护权的个人的住所, 因为学生还在他们的照顾下, 监护权, 或支持. 如果对学生有监护权的人在密苏里州建立住所, that student shall be granted resident status at the first enrollment following the establishment of the Missouri domicile. 参见第三A和第三C(军事人员和支付密苏里州所得税的非居民).
  3. 解放未成年学生. 被解放的未成年学生,以成人身份认定住所. 未成年人可以通过婚姻获得解放, 正式的法庭诉讼, 未成年人的遗弃或积极的让与行为. 在任何情况下,从照顾、监护和支持中脱离都应是完全的. In no instance shall a minor student be eligible for emancipation when a second party other than a spouse took that student as an income tax deduction.

II. 住所设立

打算让密苏里州成为永久的家, either of the following two ways is sufficient proof of the domicile of a person and their dependents within the State of Missouri.

  1. 以退休为目的在密苏里州居住, 全职工作, 全职专业实习, 或者全职经营一项业务 coupled with proof of intent to make the state of Missouri a permanent home for an indefinite period.
  2. Proof of presence within the State of Missouri for the past twelve consecutive months and sufficient proof of an intent to make the State of Missouri a permanent home for an indefinite period by the following means:
    1. Factors given weight in determining intent: continuous presence in the State of Missouri during those periods not enrolled as a student; presence within Missouri upon marriage to a Missouri resident; substantial reliance on sources within Missouri for financial support (i.e. 最少6美元,000 income from Missouri and Federal sources in the past twelve months); former domicile within the state and maintenance of significant connections while absent; ownership of a 主要的 home in Missouri; income tax return from the prior year showing independence.
    2. These additional factors are applicable in determining intent only as they support the intent shown by: registration for voting; part-time employment; lease of living quarters; a statement of intention to establish a domicile in Missouri; automobile registration; Missouri driver’s license; and payment of income, 密苏里州的个人和财产税.

3. 特殊因素

  1. 军队的成员. 学生不能仅仅因为服兵役而获得或失去居民身份. 军事人员, 驻扎在密苏里时, 他们的配偶和未解放的未成年子女应被视为具有密苏里州居民身份. 军事人员 who are stationed outside of Missouri but whose official "home of record" is on file with the military as the State of Missouri shall be considered residents, 以及他们的配偶, 还有未被解放的未成年子女.
  2. 非美国公民. 非美国公民的学生必须拥有外籍居民身份, 由联邦当局决定, 在考虑居民身份之前. 外国人及其家属持有A, L, or G visas may be granted resident status if determined to be individually designated as representatives of their governments and whose education is not government funded.
  3. 缴纳密苏里州所得税的非居民. The nonresident student fee shall be credited in an amount equal to the actual Missouri income tax paid for the previous calendar year except that the remaining obligation shall not be less than the amount of the resident student fee. Unemancipated minor students are eligible by reason of payment of Missouri income tax by the nonresident individual(s) having legal 监护权 of the student. 该政策涵盖的学生仍被归类为非居民. 1月份入学的学生,在确定上一年度时,应视为秋季入学. 1月以后入学的学生,上一年指刚过去的日历年.

IV. 变更居住分类的程序

  1. 学生的居留身份在入学时确定. 希望改变其身份的学生可以在招生办公室获得请愿表格, 二楼, 行政大楼.
  2. 申请表格必须完整填写, 在申请的学期之前,公证并提交给招生办公室. Appropriate documentation to support residency status is the responsibility of the student and must be submitted with the petition prior to the semester. 在截止日期之后收到的申请表格将被处理, 但这一决定要到下学期才会生效.
  3. 请愿书由居住委员会审查并采取行动, 根据密苏里州高等教育协调委员会的居住政策. 学生将被书面通知他们的请愿书的行动. 大学司库, 招生办公室, 注册商, 有关批准的申请也将通知财政援助办公室.
  4. Decisions of the Residency Committee may be appealed to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Finance who will serve as an oversight committee.